All historical reports and statistics
Monthly Summary:
Yearly Summary:
Station: |
Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw, Poland (OAUW) |
Time: |
23:50 |
Date: |
01 Nov 2024 |
Latitude: |
52° 13.02' N |
Longitude: |
021° 01.65' E |
Elevation: |
117 meters |
Daylight: |
09:35 |
Sun | |
Start civil twilight: |
05:56 |
Sunrise: |
06:31 |
Transit: |
11:19 |
Sunset: |
16:06 |
End civil twilight: |
16:42 |
Azimuth: |
12.1° |
Altitude: |
-52.1° |
Right ascension: |
217.6° |
Declination: |
-14.8° |
Solstice: |
2024-12-21 10:20 |
Equinox: |
2025-03-20 10:01 |
Moon | |
Rise: |
06:30 |
Transit: |
11:11 |
Set: |
15:40 |
Azimuth: |
7.1° |
Altitude: |
-57.4° |
Right ascension: |
221.2° |
Declination: |
-19.8° |
Full moon: |
2024-11-15 22:28 |
New moon: |
2024-12-01 07:21 |
Phase: |
New 0% full |
Statistics for the Day and current Month, current Week and current Year.
Temperature (°C) |
Humidity (%) |
Dew Point (°C) |
Barometer ( mbar) |
Current: |
11.6 |
Day Average: |
11.7 |
Day High: |
12.9 at 14:14 |
Day Low: |
11.0 at 20:13 |
Week Average: |
11.9 |
Week High: |
14.3 at 13:28 Monday |
Week Low: |
9.5 at 07:08 Thursday |
Month Average: |
11.7 |
Month High: |
12.9 on 2024-11-01 |
Month Low: |
11.0 on 2024-11-01 |
Year Average: |
14.1 |
Year High: |
35.0 on 2024-08-30 |
Year Low: |
-13.5 on 2024-01-09 |
All Time Average: |
11.1 |
All Time High: |
36.0 on 2019-06-26 16:50 |
All Time Low: |
-16.3 on 2016-01-05 05:30 |
Current: |
86 |
Day Average: |
82 |
Day High: |
86 at 19:39 |
Day Low: |
76 at 14:20 |
Week Average: |
85 |
Week High: |
96 at 21:57 Tuesday |
Week Low: |
73 at 13:31 Monday |
Month Average: |
82 |
Month High: |
86 on 2024-11-01 |
Month Low: |
76 on 2024-11-01 |
Year Average: |
71 |
Year High: |
98 on 2024-01-03 |
Year Low: |
20 on 2024-05-27 |
All Time Average: |
74 |
All Time High: |
100 on 2021-11-09 06:20 |
All Time Low: |
16 on 2020-04-07 13:05 |
Current: |
9.3 |
Day Average: |
8.7 |
Day High: |
9.3 at 23:47 |
Day Low: |
8.3 at 11:27 |
Week Average: |
9.5 |
Week High: |
12.2 at 10:19 Wednesday |
Week Low: |
6.2 at 04:14 Thursday |
Month Average: |
9.5 |
Month High: |
9.3 on 2024-11-01 |
Month Low: |
8.3 on 2024-11-01 |
Year Average: |
8.2 |
Year High: |
22.9 on 2024-08-19 |
Year Low: |
-15.6 on 2024-01-09 |
All Time Average: |
6.1 |
All Time High: |
24.2 on 2021-07-14 14:55 |
All Time Low: |
-20.1 on 2018-03-19 15:45 |
Current: |
1011.1 |
Day Average: |
1012.7 |
Day High: |
1015.8 at 00:03 |
Day Low: |
1010.8 at 22:26 |
Week Average: |
1018.6 |
Week High: |
1023.6 at 07:51 Monday |
Week Low: |
1010.8 at 22:26 Friday |
Month Average: |
1012.7 |
Month High: |
1015.8 on 2024-11-01 |
Month Low: |
1010.8 on 2024-11-01 |
Year Average: |
1012.1 |
Year High: |
1036.7 on 2024-01-09 |
Year Low: |
985.0 on 2024-01-18 |
All Time Average: |
1013.3 |
All Time High: |
1044.8 on 2019-02-23 09:05 |
All Time Low: |
972.6 on 2017-10-29 09:35 |
Wind Chill (°C) |
Heat Index (°C) |
Radiation ( W/m²) |
UV Index |
Current: |
11.6 |
Day Low: |
11.0 at 20:13 |
Week Low: |
6.9 at 06:58 Thursday |
Month Low: |
11.0 on 2024-11-01 |
Year Low: |
-22.1 on 2024-01-08 |
All Time Low: |
-23.3 on 2017-01-06 20:40 |
Current: |
11.0 |
Day High: |
12.3 at 14:14 |
Week High: |
14.0 at 13:26 Wednesday |
Month High: |
12.3 on 2024-11-01 |
Year High: |
38.2 on 2024-07-16 |
All Time High: |
42.0 on 2021-07-14 14:55 |
Current: |
0 |
Day High: |
176 at 11:12 |
Week High: |
388 at 12:00 Monday |
Month High: |
176 on 2024-11-01 |
Year High: |
1266 on 2024-06-23 |
All Time High: |
1300 on 2018-07-03 13:30 |
Current: |
0.0 |
Day High: |
0.7 at 11:22 |
Week High: |
1.0 at 11:02 Monday |
Month High: |
0.7 on 2024-11-01 |
Year High: |
6.3 on 2024-06-22 |
All Time High: |
7.1 on 2020-07-05 12:40 |
Wind ( km/h) |
Rain ( cm - cm/hr) |
Current: |
13 NNE |
Day Average: |
10 NW |
Day High: |
47 at 13:24 |
Week Average: |
5 NNW |
Week High: |
47 at 13:24 Friday |
Month Average: |
10 NW |
Month High: |
47 on 2024-11-01 |
Year Average: |
4 WNW |
Year High: |
63 on 2024-02-03 |
All Time Average: |
6 WNW |
All Time High: |
92 on 2016-09-04 21:05 |
Rate: |
0.00 |
Day: |
0.00 |
Day High Rate: |
0.00 at 00:00 |
Week: |
0.14 |
Week High Rate: |
0.00 at 00:00 Monday |
Month: |
0.00 |
Month High Rate: |
0.00 on 2024-11-01 |
Year: |
38.20 |
Year High Rate: |
38.40 on 2024-07-13 |
All Time High Rate: |
72.00 on 2017-04-21 22:40 |